
2024-04-29 19:41:14 3





哈里森出身于弗吉尼亚种植者贵族家庭。 他生于1773年伯克利。父亲本杰明·哈里森曾任弗吉尼亚州长,是《独立宣言》签署人之一。哈里森18岁参军,给安东尼·韦恩将军做副官。1798年任西北地区部长。1798年任新设州——印第安纳州州长。他从印第安人手中夺得3000万英亩土地并入该州。1812年,英军与印第安人联合向印第安那州进犯,美国对英宣战,哈里森作为西北地区联合军司令,取得了泰晤士河战没的胜利。战后历任美国国会众议员、俄亥俄州参议员、美国国会参议员、驻哥伦比亚公使。这位1812年战争中的英雄是在68岁时经过艰苦激烈的竞选才赢得总统职位,然而他却只当了一个月的国家行政长官。1841年3月4日哈里森就职那天正遇上寒流,凛冽寒风中,哈里森用了一个半小时宣读他的就职演说。他的演讲加上几位其他官员的讲话,使参加者长时间领略了华盛顿的寒冷。在就职典礼时感受风寒,后转为肺炎,并且一病不起,在职仅一个月即病故。副总统约翰·泰勒马上继任总统,威廉·亨利·哈里森好像根本就没有当几天总统。他成为美国第一位在白宫去世的总统。他本人无明确政纲,执政期间未采取任何重大行动。今天,尽管历史学家们仍记得哈里森是位优秀的军事指挥家,但关于他是总统的记录就是他是历在位时间最短的总统。   THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1841   Called from a retirement which I had supposed was to continue for the residue of my life to fill the chief executive office of this great and free nation, I appear before you, fellow-citizens, to take the oaths which the Constitution prescribes as a necessary qualification for the performance of its duties; and in obedience to a custom coeval with our Government and what I believe to be your expectations I proceed to present to you a summary of the principles which will govern me in the discharge of the duties which I shall be called upon to perform.   It was the remark of a Roman consul in an early period of that celebrated Republic that a most striking contrast was observable in the conduct of candidates for offices of power and trust before and after obtaining them, they seldom carrying out in the latter case the pledges and promises made in the former. However much the world may have improved in many respects in the lapse of upward of two thousand years since the remark was made by the virtuous and indignant Roman, I fear that a strict examination of the annals of some of the modern elective governments would develop similar instances of violated confidence.   Although the fiat of the people has gone forth proclaiming me the Chief Magistrate of this glorious Union, nothing upon their part remaining to be done, it may be thought that a motive may exist to keep up the delusion under which they may be supposed to have acted in relation to my principles and opinions; and perhaps there may be some in this assembly who have come here either prepared to condemn those I shall now deliver, or, approving them, to doubt the sincerity with which they are now uttered. But the lapse of a few months will confirm or dispel their fears. The outline of principles to govern and measures to be adopted by an Administration not yet begun will soon be exchanged for immutable history, and I shall stand either exonerated by my countrymen or classed with the mass of those who promised that they might deceive and flattered with the intention to betray. However strong may be my present purpose to realize the expectations of a magnanimous and confiding people, I too well understand the dangerous temptations to which I shall be exposed from the magnitude of the power which it has been the pleasure of the people to commit to my hands not to place my chief confidence upon the aid of that Almighty Power which has hitherto protected me and enabled me to bring to favorable issues other important but still greatly inferior trusts heretofore confided to me by my country.   The broad foundation upon which our Constitution rests being the people——a breath of theirs having made, as a breath can unmake, change, or modify it——it can be assigned to none of the great divisions of government but to that of democracy. If such is its theory, those who are called upon to administer it must recognize as its leading principle the duty of shaping their measures so as to produce the greatest good to the greatest number. But with these broad admissions, if we would compare the sovereignty acknowledged to exist in the mass of our people with the power claimed by other sovereignties, even by those which have been considered most purely democratic, we shall find a most essential difference. All others lay claim to power limited only by their own will. The majority of our citizens, on the contrary, possess a sovereignty with an amount of power precisely equal to that which has been granted to them by the parties to the national compact, and nothing beyond. We admit of no government by divine right, believing that so far as power is concerned the Beneficent Creator has made no distinction amongst men; that all are upon an equality, and that the only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed. The Constitution of the United States is the instrument containing this grant of power to the several departments composing the Government. On an examination of that instrument it will be found to contain declarations of power granted and of power withheld. The latter is also susceptible of division into power which the majority had the right to grant, but which they do not think proper to intrust to their agents, and that which they could not have granted, not being possessed by themselves. In other words, there are certain rights possessed by each individual American citizen which in his compact with the others he has never surrendered. Some of them, indeed, he is unable to surrender, being, in the language of our system, unalienable. The boasted privilege of a Roman citizen was to him a shield only against a petty provincial ruler, whilst the proud democrat of Athens would console himself under a sentence of death for a supposed violation of the national faith——which no one understood and which at times was the subject of the mockery of all——or the banishment from his home, his family, and his country with or without an alleged cause, that it was the act not of a single tyrant or hated aristocracy, but of his assembled countrymen. Far different is the power of our sovereignty. It can interfere with no one’s faith, prescribe forms of worship for no one’s observance, inflict no punishment but after well-ascertained guilt, the result of investigation under rules prescribed by the Constitution itself. These precious privileges, and those scarcely less important of giving expression to his thoughts and opinions, either by writing or speaking, unrestrained but by the liability for injury to others, and that of a full participation in all the advantages which flow from the Government, the acknowledged property of all, the American citizen derives from no charter granted by his fellow-man. He claims them because he is himself a man, fashioned by the same Almighty hand as the rest of his species and entitled to a full share of the blessings with which He has endowed them. Notwithstanding the limited sovereignty possessed by the people of the United Stages and the restricted grant of power to the Government which they have adopted, enough has been given to accomplish all the objects for which it was created. It has been found powerful in war, and hitherto justice has been administered, and intimate union effected, domestic tranquillity preserved, and personal liberty secured to the citizen. As was to be expected, however, from the defect of language and the necessarily sententious manner in which the Constitution is written, disputes have arisen as to the amount of power which it has actually granted or was intended to grant.   This is more particularly the case in relation to that part of the instrument which treats of the legislative branch, and not only as regards the exercise of powers claimed under a general clause giving that body the authority to pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the specified powers, but in relation to the latter also. It is, however, consolatory to reflect that most of the instances of alleged departure from the letter or spirit of the Constitution have ultimately received the sanction of a majority of the people. And the fact that many of our statesmen most distinguished for talent and patriotism have been at one time or other of their political career on both sides of each of the most warmly disputed questions forces upon us the inference that the errors, if errors there were, are attributable to the intrinsic difficulty in many instances of ascertaining the intentions of the framers of the Constitution rather than the influence of any sinister or unpatriotic motive. But the great danger to our institutions does not appear to me to be in a usurpation by the Government of power not granted by the people, but by the accumulation in one of the departments of that which was assigned to others. Limited as are the powers which have been granted, still enough have been granted to constitute a despotism if concentrated in one of the departments. This danger is greatly heightened, as it has been always observable that men are less jealous of encroachments of one department upon another than upon their own reserved rights. When the Constitution of the United States first came from the hands of the Convention which formed it, many of the sternest republicans of the day were alarmed at the extent of the power which had been granted to the Federal Government, and more particularly of that portion which had been assigned to the executive branch. There were in it features which appeared not to be in harmony with their ideas of a simple representative democracy or republic, and knowing the tendency of power to increase itself, particularly when exercised by a single individual, predictions were made that at no very remote period the Government would terminate in virtual monarchy. It would not become me to say that the fears of these patriots have been already realized; but as I sincerely believe that the tendency of measures and of men’s opinions for some years past has been in that direction, it is, I conceive, strictly proper that I should take this occasion to repeat the assurances I have heretofore given of my determination to arrest the progress of that tendency if it really exists and restore the Government to its pristine health and vigor, as far as this can be effected by any legitimate exercise of the power placed in my hands.   I proceed to state in as summary a manner as I can my opinion of the sources of the evils which have been so extensively complained of and the correctives which may be applied. Some of the former are unquestionably to be found in the defects of the Constitution; others, in my judgment, are attributable to a misconstruction of some of its provisions. Of the former is the eligibility of the same individual to a second term of the Presidency. The sagacious mind of Mr. Jefferson early saw and lamented this error, and attempts have been made, hitherto without success, to apply the amendatory power of the States to its correction. As, however, one mode of correction is in the power of every President, and consequently in mine, it would be useless, and perhaps invidious, to enumerate the evils of which, in the opinion of many of our fellow-citizens, this error of the sages who framed the Constitution may have been the source and the bitter fruits which we are still to gather from it if it continues to disfigure our system. It may be observed, however, as a general remark, that republics can commit no greater error than to adopt or continue any feature in their systems of government which may be calculated to create or increase the lover of power in the bosoms of those to whom necessity obliges them to commit the management of their affairs; and surely nothing is more likely to produce such a state of mind than the long continuance of an office of high trust. Nothing can be more corrupting, nothing more destructive of all those noble feelings which belong to the character of a devoted republican patriot. When this corrupting passion once takes possession of the human mind, like the love of gold it becomes insatiable. It is the never-dying worm in his bosom, grows with his growth and strengthens with the declining years of its victim. If this is true, it is the part of wisdom for a republic to limit the service of that officer at least to whom she has intrusted the management of her foreign relations, the execution of her laws, and the command of her armies and navies to a period so short as to prevent his forgetting that he is the accountable agent, not the principal; the servant, not the master. Until an amendment of the Constitution can be effected public opinion may secure the desired object. I give my aid to it by renewing the pledge heretofore given that under no circumstances will I consent to serve a second term.   But if there is danger to public liberty from the acknowledged defects of the Constitution in the want of limit to the continuance of the Executive power in the same hands, there is, I apprehend, not much less from a misconstruction of that instrument as it regards the powers actually given. I can not conceive that by a fair construction any or either of its provisions would be found to constitute the President a part of the legislative power. It can not be claimed from the power to recommend, since, although enjoined as a duty upon him, it is a privilege which he holds in common with every other citizen; and although there may be something more of confidence in the propriety of the measures recommended in the one case than in the other, in the obligations of ultimate decision there can be no difference. In the language of the Constitution, "all the legislative powers" which it grants "are vested in the Congress of the United States." It would be a solecism in language to say that any portion of these is not included in the whole.








文章和照片披头士1962年,一个名为披头士的未知组织前往伦敦,与一家主要唱片公司进行唱片合同试听。他们被拒绝了。1962年1月1日披头士乐队的埃德沙利文披头士乐队和电视主持人埃德沙利文在1964年2月的节目中首次亮相。1964年2月9日对猫王的回忆只有一个演员与披头士乐队和猫王普雷斯利一起出现在电影中:鲜为人知的诺曼罗辛顿。1999年5月21日的婚姻生活1966年1月21日披头士乐队乔治哈里森嫁给模特帕蒂博伊德1978年9月02日乔治哈里森嫁给奥利维亚乔治哈里森生活中的事件1958年8月29日乔治哈里森加入采石场(列侬麦卡特尼最佳萨特克利夫)1963年4月14日乔治哈里森对未签名的“滚石乐队”印象深刻1963年5月10日德卡根据披头士乔治哈里森1964-09-11乔治哈里森成立莫尼科有限公司音乐出版公司1964-12-07乔治哈里森将公司名称从莫尼科改为哈里森1964-12-25乔治哈里森的女友帕蒂博伊德被披头士女粉丝袭击1965-02-07乔治哈里森的扁桃体被切除1966-06-01乔治哈里森印象深刻拉维·尚卡尔1967-06-28伦敦演唱会乔治·哈里森因超速1968-02-16甲壳虫乐队乔治·哈里森被罚款6英镑,约翰列侬和他们的妻子飞往印度,与马哈里希·马赫什·约吉(Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)一起进行超验冥想研究,1968-05-15年与乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)在戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)举行首映式,1968-09-06埃里克·克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)为乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)的《当我的吉他轻轻哭泣》(While My guitar Welly Well)录制吉他曲目,1968-10-哈里森和帕蒂·博伊德每人因非法毒品被罚款250英镑1969年10月31日乔治·哈里森的《某物》在英国发行1970年11月23日乔治·哈里森在美国发行《我的甜心主》单曲1970年11月27日乔治·哈里森发行他的三张专辑集《一切必须通过》1971年1月15日乔治·哈里森在英国发行《我的甜心主》单曲1971年1月31日乔治·哈里森的《我亲爱的主》在英国流行音乐排行榜1971-02-23中排名第一乔治·哈里森被罚款,驾照被吊销一年1971-07-30乔治·哈里森发行的《孟加拉国》1971-08-01乔治·哈里森为孟加拉国举办的音乐会在纽约1972-02-28乔治·哈里森卷入了1973-05-25年的一场小车祸哈里森在英国发行《给我爱》1973-06-01乔治哈里森的《生活在物质世界》走红1973-06-22乔治哈里森发行《生活在物质世界》1973-07-25乔治哈里森支付1000英镑,1974-03-01乔治哈里森在孟加拉国演唱会和专辑上的000税1974-12-06年11月乔治哈里森宣布他的演唱会巡回演出“叮咚,丁东“1974-12-20乔治哈里森在英国发行他的“黑马”专辑1975-10-03乔治哈里森在英国发行“额外纹理”专辑1976-02-06乔治哈里森发行“这把吉他(忍不住哭)”1976-04-20乔治哈里森与巨蟒合唱伐木工歌曲1976-08-31乔治哈里森被判剽窃“我的甜心”主“1976-09-07美国法院裁定乔治哈里森犯有剽窃罪(他很好)1976-09-28 A&M起诉乔治哈里森谁没有达到LP完成的最后期限1976-11-19乔治哈里森发行“这首歌”1976-11-20乔治哈里森出现在“周六夜现场”1977-02-18乔治哈里森发行“真爱”1979-02-16 G乔治哈里森发行“吹走”1979-02-23乔治哈里森发行“乔治哈里森”专辑1979-04-27乔治哈里森发行“爱来到每个人”1979-07-13乔治哈里森发行单曲“更快”1981-02-06披头士保罗麦卡特尼,林戈·斯塔尔和乔治·哈里森为约翰·列侬录制了一张悼念唱片1981年2月19日乔治·哈里森被勒令向ABKCO音乐公司支付587美元,因为“潜意识抄袭”他的歌曲“我的甜心主”与罗尼麦克的歌曲“他很好”1981-05-15乔治哈里森发布“所有那些年前”在英国1981-06-05乔治哈里森发布“在英格兰某地”1982-11-05乔治哈里森发布“去特罗普”专辑1987-10-12乔治哈里森发布“我的思想在你身上”1987年11月02日乔治哈里森发行“云9”和麦卡特尼发行“最棒的”1988年1月25日乔治哈里森发行“当我们是Fab”1988年6月13日乔治哈里森发行“这就是爱”1989年10月23日乔治哈里森发行“黑马1976-89最佳”专辑1989年11月27日乔治哈里森在Facebook上发行“加油”和“可怜的小女孩”分享在Twitter上分享著名歌手娜塔莉·缅因罗宾·吉布蒂娜·特纳著名作曲家巴迪·霍利“0”梅勒·哈格德“1”扎恩·马里



































































2024年6月19日 04:41




2024年7月7日 12:21




2024年7月24日 03:21




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2024年7月24日 06:13

痕迹的拼音 词语痕迹的拼音?痕迹的意思是什么

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2024年6月30日 12:21

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食之无味弃之可惜谁说的(那句话是不是这么说的 “鸡肋 食之无味,弃之可惜”)

大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于食之无味弃之可惜谁说的,那句话是不是这么说的 “鸡肋 食之无味,弃之可惜”这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!本文目录那句话是不是这么说的 “鸡肋 食之无味,弃之可惜”食之无味,弃之可惜是

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2024年5月19日 03:15

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2023年6月4日 06:40




2024年5月11日 18:00




2024年7月25日 05:00

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本文目录责丨的拼音是什么责的组词大全(约50个) 责的词语解释_责是什么意思责的拼音是什么规责的意思责的读音是什么呵能组词为呵呵吗词语造句:用呵责造句(约30个)呵责的读音是什么呵责的意思责和泽的拼音怎么写责丨的拼音是什么拼 音 zé   

2024年6月10日 22:42



本文目录趋炎附势的拼音趋炎附势的小人,不可共患难!什么意思趋炎附势什么意思解释趋炎附势的拼音是什么趋炎附势的拼音趋炎附势(拼音:qū yán fù shì)补充:趋炎附势是一则来源于历史故事的成语,成语有关典故最早见于《晋书·王沈传》。 “

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2024年9月20日 06:20



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